
5 Signs That Your Home Needs Termite Control

by - December 10, 2020

A lot of us have wooden doors, windows, furniture, and other old stuff where there is a high chance for termites to thrive and grow. Termites thrive in humid conditions and unclean areas, and if left untreated, they can cause extensive damage to the infested structures. That is why if you see any signs of termites in your house, it’s important to find out the best termite control method as soon as possible. So, here we will discuss a few signs that may indicate that you have a termite problem in your house.

Mud Lines

If you can see mud lines emerging from the ground and going up on the walls, then it is an indication of termites being close by. If you keep large plants at home or if there is a garden outside, then there are higher chances of mud lines appearing. This is very dangerous and leads to termites attacking wooden furniture, books, walls, and the house. Even if you are located on one of the top floors in a high-rise building, there are chances of termite infestation. So, keep a check and call in experts as soon as you notice these mud lines.

Termite Control

Damaged Wood

Whether it is wooden doors, furniture, or cabinets, termites thrive on wooden furniture. You may come across damaged sofas, hollow chairs, and half-eaten desks because the termites have been thriving on them. This is an indication that your home has termites. One of the best termite control method is to keep your wooden furniture dry and clean and get it regularly polished. In case of an infestation, use a termite repellent that can be used by your carpenter before painting or polishing the wooden furniture. This will help keep termites at bay. 

Jammed Windows and Doors

The frame of windows and doors made of wood can be infested by termites, due to which you may notice them getting stuck and jammed because of the infestation. The termites may eat into the wood structures and cause them to jam. You should keenly inspect your wooden door and windows and look for hollowness, holes, or mud lines in and around them. If you see any of these, it is best to call termite control experts and get rid of the infestation before they damage your entire buildings. After that, get your doors and windows cleaned and painted again to make them new. 


Another sign that your house has termites is the presence of mounds. There are different types of termites- some thrive in the soil, some on wood, while others form mounds in the houses. Many of you may have seen mounds on television, cupboards, and other spaces as well. A termite mound is very risky and dangerous, as it may spread all across the house. It is important to get regular cleaning and termite control done so that the termites do not enter and grow in your house. 

Termite Control

Swarms of Termites

It can be very disturbing and alarming, but you may come across termite swarms in case of a serious infestation. A few hundred termites can be seen moving from one place to another. This is generally visible when the weather is very hot and humid. If you see this, you should immediately book termite control services and let them handle the problem. 

Keeping termites at bay is not an impossible task. All you need to do is to keep the house clean and ensure that old books and newspapers are regularly discarded and wooden furniture is regularly polished. Another important thing you can do is to install a dehumidifier if the weather is always hot and sultry in your area. However, if your house is already infested with termites and no home remedies are working on them, then call in termite control specialists and let them handle the situation.

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