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Things To Learn About Industrial Drying

by - June 17, 2021

Drying is one of the most necessary processes to store and market numerous crops for food use like legumes and cereals. Over the centuries, the process has been carried out in different ways and using both simple and technologically advanced machines and tools for industrial drying.

Today large farms and the drying centres that have particularly high drying needs can safely rely on an industrial dryer. This system fully satisfied the most demanding requests, and it offers plenty of benefits. Here you will learn about the main benefits of dryers used for industrial drying purposes. 

What Is Industrial Dryer And How It Works?

Industrial Drying
Industrial Drying 

The grain dyer that is available in the market is a system that allows the safe and quick drying of different types of legumes and cereals. The most innovative type of dryer is the multi-crop solutions that allow you to treat different crops. The use of this dryer is essential for industrial level agricultural activities. It is important to dry cereals to avoid decomposition and onset of aflatoxin and mould that causes loss of product. 

The cycle of industrial drying is categorized into four different phases. They are loading, drying, cooling and unloading. These phases can be carried out simultaneously within the same machine without any problem.

Usually, the continuous cycle dryers are better suited to high production and fit into a system where the elevators and storage silos are set up. The discontinuous cycle dryers provide you with the benefit of integrating the loading, drying and unloading system within the same machine. This managed to be easier to use, and drying is managed by batches sized according to the model capacity.

How To Choose The Right Dryer For Industrial Drying?

Industrial dryers are indicated for the structured companies that need to dry products in large quantities. Small farmers with small farms usually use mobile grain dryers, but large storage and drying centres cannot find the right solution in these machines. The choice of tower dryer becomes important in these cases, on an industrial level. No solution makes sure the same level of productivity. 

Benefits Of Industrial Dryers

Centres and companies that decide to invest in the dryers enjoy excellent benefits in their business. Three are the most significant benefit that can be drawn from the use of these solutions. They are:

Reduction of waste and losses

Time reduction

Increase in profits and value

Industrial Drying
Industrial Drying 

Firstly, the industrial dryers offer a significant reduction in the time needed for industrial drying of the cereals. In most countries, people still follow the traditional methods of drying their products in the sun. Still, this method takes a lot of tones. It doesn’t allow you to get complete control of the process that can easily be compromised by the weather conditions or other such external agents.

Using the continuous and tower dryer, the drying process is completely safe in a few hours, and the cereal can be stored even for a longer period. For the same reason, industrial dryers alsoallow you to reduce product waste and industrial dryers also allow you to reduce product waste and result in economic losses. Furthermore, with these solutions, the risk of germination or determination of the products is also reduced and the product can be kept for use. 

This way, there will be no risk of wasting the harvest and facing huge economic losses. Drying the products is the best way of insurance on maintaining the value of the product.

These were some of the benefits of dryers and drying the products using these machines and tools. Therefore it is clear that industrial drying is essential and should be done using quality dryers.

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