A New Wave Of Change In The Path Of Mobility Called Post Electric Bikes - Intriguing Aussie Portal -->

A New Wave Of Change In The Path Of Mobility Called Post Electric Bikes

by - August 20, 2019

We all must have either read or heard about the future of electric vehicles, and it is no longer a distant dream. The electric vehicle is the new buzz word which is believed to be spearheading the automobile industry towards the future of mobility powered by electricity. Countries like the US, Australia, Netherlands, and Canada have moved far ahead than the rest of the world in this field. They are thriving to explore new horizons of possibilities of how to cater to the growing mobility concern of the urban citizens by rolling out a fleet of electric vehicles in the variety of both two and four-wheelers. Let’s find out more about Australia post-electric bikes.

Post Electric Bikes
Post Electric Bikes

Evolution of E-Vehicles

The journey of the electric vehicles began in the U.S and then it sailed through the rest of the world. The roadster was the first variant of the electric car which was granted sanction by the authorities to zoom start its production commercially on a large scale basis. With this, the entire spectrum of efforts turned into a feasible business model. The endeavour transitioned the hypothesis of e-mobility into a tangible reality for the whole world to take a cue from it and pave their way forward to realize their dream of achieving a sustainable mobility solution for the future.

Role of Australia

Australia has always been a forerunner in the revolution built around e mobility. Being an island surrounded by the sea, the act of nurturing natural resources coupled with proper maintenance of ecological balance has remained at the top of its priority. It has always been extremely sincere towards its commitment to environmental issues. That is why Australia has always conducted itself in a sustainable way to ensure zero compromises with anything that might cause potential harm to nature. It came up with separate bicycle bay in cities like Sydney and Melbourne, alongside the roads dedicated for vehicular movement to inspire people to commute in a cycle instead of depending much on their personal cars. It took several initiatives to make citizens aware of the positive impact of giving more impetus on cycling to cut down heavily on the menace of indiscriminate carbon emission. The Prime Minister himself and rest of the other members of Australian Parliament have been often reported in different media to commute on a cycle on the roads of Canberra under the broad daylight to motivate others to take up cycling as a healthy habit. The popularity of cycling paves way for the Australia post-electric bikes to flourish and gain prominence across the continent.

Australia post-electric bikes have grown to become a trend which is being fuelled by almost all the major automobile makers. They have begun to manufacture custom made electric bikes to cater to the specific needs of the users from Australia in sync with the weather conditions, usage patterns, and nature of terrain out there. Electric bikes are now being exported to Australia in a huge volume from across the world, as Government provides a waiver on import duty which gets furthermore beneficial when clubbed together with a significant tax benefit against the purchase of an electric vehicle. All these major reforms are meant to scale up the adoption rate of electric bike repair to an all-time high.

Post Electric Bikes
Post Electric Bikes
Australia, as a nation, has also focused on building a comprehensive ecosystem to leverage the transition from fossil oil to electrification while riding on the wave of Australia post-electric bikes. An ambitious fund has been allocated to create an infrastructural ecosystem promoting spurt of power charging stations at regular intervals along the highways connecting important cities in Australia. Vehicles can charge them up at these ports to refill the batteries installed in their vehicle. All the necessary arrangements have already been put in a place for the Australia post-electric bikes to prosper as a global trend.

Australia is reported to have reduced its carbon footprint to a great extent and to provide a much-needed boost to the holistic well being of nature which could not have been possible without the paradigm shift in the mindset of the people invoked by the new catalyst of change known as Australia post-electric bikes.       

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