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Magnificent Information About Cleaning Blocked Drain

by - August 16, 2019

Everyone is very much familiar with the warning signs of the drainage issues. When the sink takes longer time to drain or water doesn’t pass through the drain and stand still in the bathroom, sink or any other place then you must be in an impulsive situation. But you need to have patience and think what you should do for cleaning blocked drain immediately. You need to be aware of the early alarming signs of drain blockages to avoid the worst situations. It is not guaranteed that you will get the nearest plumber at the crisis moment. Then you may need to use some tricks the fix the problem immediately. 

So, it is better to remove gunk and hair that has been clogged at the entrance of the drain. Initially, before giving a call to a plumber, it is recommended to clear the blocked drain by their own.

How to clear blocked drains at home?

Blocked Drain
Blocked Drain 

Some essential tips are a great help for cleaning the blocked drain at home. This can be done without the usage of toxic chemicals as well. The home remedies can give you an immediate result without any hassle.

Baking Soda & Salt

One can prepare a mixture of salt and baking soda. Take each of both the ingredients in the amount a ½ cup of and pour down the drain. It is necessary to give of half an hour to over night time for settling the problem. Once it has a magnificent duration, clear it with a pot of boiled water. It will take time if the clog is harder. It will be a great help to clear the blocked drain.

Salt, Borax, and Vinegar:

Someone can start with  ¼ cup of salt, ½ cup of vinegar, and ¼ cup of Borax. Add a pot of boiling water in the mixture and let it set for at least an hour or until it gets clear.  Rinse with hot tap water to remove all the stuff down through the blocked drain.

Caustic Soda:
Take some rubber gloves and eye safeguard.  Caustic soda has another name of Sodium Hydroxide, which can also cause nasty chemical burns. One can pick some of this chemical from the local hardware place, but always take precaution while dealing with it. Pouring of a ¾ gallon of cold water into a mop bucket, and then the addition of 3 cups of caustic soda will serve the purpose. Stir it well with an old wooden spoon. It will start to fizz and heat up. One can pour into the clogged drain and leave for 20-30 minutes, then flush the drain with boiling water. One can repeat if necessary, to clean the blocked drain.

The bent wire hanger:
It is simply effective. One will take a regular wire coat hanger and straighten it out as much as possible. Another step is to bend the end to design a small hook. Push the other in the drain cover and start clearing it. It is necessary to remember that one must pull the gunk out, not pushing it in further. This is a helpful process to clean up all the clogged materials under the cover of the drain.

Blocked Drain
Blocked Drain 
Boiling water:

It is necessary to put the kettle on and rage as much water as it can do.  One can pour it in a slow way to down the drain. This process needs to be done into three stages for permitting the hot water to work in.
The necessity of cleaning the drains and keeping it away from the blockages should be understood by all the users. You should never throw anything in your hand to the drain to avoid such worst situations.

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