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Things Your Mechanic Should Know About Your Car

by - August 16, 2019

Having a car is a dream and at the same time, an investment that requires diligent attention and care. A car nowadays is no longer an item of luxury; rather it is a necessity that saves time and money in the long run on your travels. And, to make sure that your car is in good condition, you need to be in touch with a mechanic. To have the car in the best condition and ensure that it gives optimal performance, its regular maintenance is a must. A good mechanic would be able to do so.

What You Should Tell Your Mechanic?

It is always sensible to be in touch with a reliable mechanic. A car owner’s worst nightmare is their car breaking down when they have to hurry and reach somewhere important.  Well, certain problems can be avoided by taking the car for regular servicing. Even the car manufacturing companies would recommend you certain services and time duration during which you must get the servicing done. Well, a good car servicing depends on how proficient is the mechanic. Even if you have narrowed down to one of the best mechanics in the town, there are certain things which the car owner must know. The mechanic might just enquire about the same. Moreover, having the right knowledge about the key aspects of car servicing will help you understand whether the mechanic is speaking right or he is trying to mint more money from you.

Here Are 5 Things You Should Tell Your Mechanic:

  • Last servicing date is the first thing your mechanic will ask you. It’s important that you hand over the last servicing bill which has the details about what all was done so that the mechanic and cross-check the same. Unless they are known to you and have been taking care of your car for quite some time, a professional will always ask you about the last maintenance check your car underwent.
  • If you are taking your car for servicing to an authorized service center, then one of the first things the mechanic would ask you if you have got the repair work done prior. This becomes even more important if you want to go for cashless servicing. Most of the mechanics at the authorized dealer will cross-check this. It is common for owners to change the engine oil; spark plug or even had the battery replaced. Tell them every detail as only then can they help you with any problems.
  • Its always good to tell the mechanic what problems are you exactly facing. Some of these problems are not persistent and may erupt at the time of driving, for example, paying attention to the sounds the car makes during a particular action. A clunking sound might indicate you need to change the shock absorbers or a hissing sound means your exhaust pipes are cracked and needs replacement.
  • When you take your car for routine servicing you will get only the generalized checkup of the engine, brakes, electronics, steering, change of lubricants and buff up. If you want specific care, you need to tell your mechanic exactly what you need. Whether your gear and clutch require replacement or your wipers are faulty. If you own a luxury car, then the electronic up-gradation and replacement require specifications.

Wrapping It Up:

It's very important for you to enquire about the time frame for the repair work. A quick internet search might provide you with tutorials and videos but nothing compares to first-hand training from an expert. Running through different portals will help you find the best mechanic in the town. Don’t forget to check their license and certification before handing over the car to them.

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